I have strong convictions about everything that is going on in the world right now as does everyone. We are experiencing great turmoil and confusion. This does not generally bring out the best parts of our species. When any animal is scared or confused they tend to lash out in an irrational manner. Humans are no exception. I have decided to exercise my self control and, to quote a famous ice queen, "Let it go."
I'm going to reconcile myself with the fact that, in most cases, my well-worded and fact-based opinion will not sway their hate-filled and ignorant ones. I will allow myself to simply take a deep breath and try to comfort myself with the thought that this, surely, isn't real. The crazies won't win. Reason will triumph, people will calm down and the political climate will mellow out.
So, to help you navigate the rough water that is calming down in the face of frustration, I recommend the following steps:
1. Take a deep breath
2. Slowly repeat the word "Letting" as you inhale
2. As you exhale repeat the word "Go"
I found this great mantra at divination.com and it has been very helpful for me. It is described as something that helps instill "a feeling of peace" and to help serve "as a reminder that letting go of thinking is the key to a clear, open mind and tranquility."
If that doesn't help you can find your own mantra by searching the internet. I found a few other great ones like this one at mindbodygreen.com that comes in video form. It is also shared with a very insightful quote that I feel is appropriate:
So, embrace the moments you have that are good and let the bad ones fall away. Dance, sing and be silly with those that you love and know that those are the most important things.