I'm currently finishing up work on my Thanksgiving Mommy Camp and we will begin doing those fun activities soon. The themes will be Thanksgiving History, Giving Thanks, Thanksgiving Food and Fall! I can't wait!
Lilly requested that we do more Mommy Camp so I made a special Halloween edition! I was a little late on getting it ready so we didn't finish all of the activities before Halloween was over but, I'll share what we did get done. I think we'll probably just squeeze the other activities into random days for fun later on and I'll post when we do. Skeletons and Bones We started off with a theme focusing on bones and skeletons. To begin we did a little bone math using this worksheet from education.com. We also pulled out her helping hands from our summer mommy camp to help her count. Then we worked on a halloween rebus activity sheet where she filled in the story with the correct images by reading key words. That worksheet is also from education.com and can be found here. After the math and reading we discussed the importance and function of bones. We then conducted an experiment with rubber gloves and straws. Take one glove and fill each finger with a bendy straw. Leave the other glove alone and compare them. This demonstrates how bones work to give us the ability to move. Then it was time for lunch and I made Lilly a sandwich skeleton! Then we made Q-tip skeletons! She drew a skeleton head and cut it out. Then glued it to black paper and glued Q-tips for the bones. We finished up our focus on skeletons and bones by making skeleton marshmallows and contact paper + tissue paper sun catchers. For the sun catcher, I drew a skull/calavera on the non-sticky side of the contact paper. Then, I pulled off the back and taped it to the table for them to stick pieces of torn tissue paper onto. I also made a decorate your own calavera felt board activity by cutting out a white skull shape and various shapes for decorating from felt. It took very little time and they enjoyed it! Coincidentally, Derek and I went to a fancy costume party and dressed as calaveras! Here's our fun photo! Spiders! The other theme we managed to get done was spiders! We started off with some spider counting math. I purchased a bag of plastic spiders and printed off a handy worksheet from this site. We also discussed the life cycle of a spider and put together a puzzle using this worksheet and read a spider mini book using this free printable. Then we made some fun spider hats with construction paper, glue and staples. After the math and crafting it was time for some action! I created a spider web from painters tape for a fun game of tossing paper wads at the spider web. While I was creating the web I had Lilly creating the paper wads from tissue paper. Then we did some spider web watercolors by creating a spider web using painters tape for the children to paint over. They enjoyed it and they turned out really nicely. We finished up our spider theme by participating in a spider web obstacle course! Even though it only lasted about 10 minutes they really enjoyed it! We didn't even get to all of the fun stuff I planned about spiders so you may see another post with the stuff we missed! We also have a monsters theme and a pumpkins theme that we didn't even touch! So, keep an eye out for all of the fun they contain.
I'm currently finishing up work on my Thanksgiving Mommy Camp and we will begin doing those fun activities soon. The themes will be Thanksgiving History, Giving Thanks, Thanksgiving Food and Fall! I can't wait!
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meet rachelRachel is a mother of three, elementary Spanish teacher and part-time blogger who loves crafting, creating fun and engaging activities for her children and students and hanging with her friends and family. She blogs about what she's doing and her interests at any given time which vary. She's a little OCD and always looking for her next project. Her husband calls it, "focusing her crazy", but she just calls it fun. Archives
June 2023