I have seen the pin that shows how to make play make-up from empty make-up compacts and nail polish. My daughter is very interested in mommy's make-up but can't be fooled by toys masquerading as the real thing. So, I headed out the Dollar Tree to buy compacts that I could empty of their contents and eye shadowy/powser/blush colored nail polishes. I had my arms full of nail polish and compacts and this dollar project was entering the double digits when I had a light bulb moment. All of these people are going to all this effort to chisel out the make-up from the compact and then painstakingly pour nail polish into each section while trying not to pass out from the fumes. Why not just pour some Mod Podge over the top of the already existing make-up? It is basically Elmer's glue and isn't going to hurt a kid any more than nail polish. I decided that I would give it a try and if it didn't work it only cost me a couple bucks. I bought a powder compact, eyeshadow, blush and a lipstick. I painted Mod Podge in a relatively thin layer over all of the make-up. After it dried you could rub all over the covered areas without any make-up coming off. My daughter loves it and I know that it is safe for her. I did attempt Mod Podging lipstick by dipping it into the Podge but if you accidentally step on or smush the lipstick it cracks the coating and makes a mess. I'm still trying to think of a way to do lipstick. However, the powder, eyeshadow and blush all worked out great! Note: Depending on how thickly you coat the make-up with Mod Podge it could take up to a week to dry properly. I poured a very thick coating on the powder and it looked normal after about 1 week.
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meet rachelRachel is a mother of three, elementary Spanish teacher and part-time blogger who loves crafting, creating fun and engaging activities for her children and students and hanging with her friends and family. She blogs about what she's doing and her interests at any given time which vary. She's a little OCD and always looking for her next project. Her husband calls it, "focusing her crazy", but she just calls it fun. Archives
June 2023